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Propane, also known as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), is a nontoxic, colorless and odorless gas, normally compressed and stored as a liquid. Propane gas use varies from application to application, however its most commonly used for space and water heating. It’s frequently used for cooking and as fuel for engines, such as forklifts. Sometimes propane is used in vehicles as autogas. The uses and applications of propane gas are continually growing due to the known benefits and technological developments.

Where does propane come from?

Propane is primarily a byproduct of natural gas processing. Crude oil refinement is also a source of propane gas.

Who uses propane?

Because of its wide variety of uses and cost effectiveness, propane is used in many businesses as well as approximately 48 million households. 

What is propane used for?

Propane gas is used for water and space heating, indoor and outdoor cooking, clothes drying, and backup power.


Several industries also use propane to fuel vehicles and other equipment. Those uses include: on-road vehicles, professional landscape equipment, agricultural equipment, construction equipment, etc..

How is propane distributed?

Propane is widely available, due to the abundance of pipelines carrying propane throughout the US (nearly 56,000 miles). Additionally, there are 6,000 retail dealers of propane across the nation.


Propane autogas is also available at fueling stations that services propane operated vehicles.


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